Christian Science nursing is the skilled, nonmedical care of patients, based on Mary Baker Eddy’s teaching that God is Love and that healing results from turning to Him for all needs. Christian Science nurses help patients with their practical care and support them in their spiritual growth. They follow the example set by Jesus of the good Samaritan who, regardless of his own convenience or that of his victim, stooped to bind up the wounds and care for the sick man.
What is Christian Science treatment?
A Christian Science nurse carries out the responsibilities outlined in the By-Law of The Mother Church, including “the practical wisdom necessary in a sick room and the proper care of the sick.” Christian Science nurses are not trained in procedures, but rather they learn to listen to divine Love and respond accordingly, which is reflected in their caring attitude. They have an open, generous heart and a deep love for mankind.
Often, those in need of care have some degree of mobility and may require assistance with dressing, using the bathroom or brushing their teeth. They also may require skilled support in finding nourishment by helping with meal preparation and by assisting with eating. They also may require cleansing, wrapping and bandaging cuts, scrapes or other wounds.
Fern Lodge serves individuals of all ages who are ill or injured. Some have the ability to be home ambulatory, while others are hospitalized or living with a family member who is responsible for their daily care. Financial aid is available to support patients who are unable to pay all or part of their fees.