Architectural Vitamins for Omaha are designed to enhance the personal and professional growth of architects in Mornington area by providing the building blocks necessary for proper sleep, healthy eating, and optimal mental and physical performance. Each of the sections within the Omaha area is divided into sections with specific objectives based upon the needs of the residents within that respective section. Within the General Plan, the areas are further divided into functional groups with predetermined purposes based upon the local environment. In the Health Improvement Program, goals and missions are identified in relation to community needs and resources. Within the Service and Community Investment Plans, goals and objectives are outlined in relation to specific service activities such as youth and elementary application; professional development; and economic development.
Within each functional plan is an individual statement that highlights the architect’s professional qualifications and relevant training. For example, a nursing assistant statement might outline the required skills and education prior to entering this field, as well as specific training achieved. A business plan might outline the architect’s training for a specific type of business, his or her career goals, and the associated management philosophy. The Health Improvement Program seeks to promote the overall wellness of the citizens of Omaha by encouraging physical activity, promoting healthy diets, and reducing the risk of obesity and chronic disease. Within the Service and Community Investment Plans, the objectives relate to the city’s economic development by increasing tax revenues, decreasing expenditures, and increasing employment opportunities.
As you can see, the Visionary Plan of Omaha is more than just a wish list. Rather, it is a complete blueprint for finding and developing the most successful individual, business, and program that enhance the quality of life in Omaha. It is important to remember that without a vision, there will be no success.